Musical Comedy

Atlanta, GA USA August 22, 2019 – MJ Theater Cafe announced that they are raising funds via Eventbrite campaign to produce the production of their theater stage play, “WOMEN@WORK! Musical Comedy”.
The production is set out to raise $25,000 to benefit Women In Jazz Global, Caustic Scholarship Fund & The Grapevine HIV/AIDS Foundation and to create a budget for PR, advertising, promotions, print materials, cast, crew, staff, stage set and props, lighting and Venue rental costs.
“WOMEN@WORK!” written by Mimi Johnson and Vannessa Stover; is a musical comedy stage play that will have you laughing from beginning to end!
In “WOMEN@WORK!” Jessie May and Priscilla are co-workers that are always battling for promotions and attention from their boss, Mrs. Langley. Little do they know that one hand washes the other and they need each other at the end of the day to survive in the company.
Jessie May West; A Southern Bell that has Southern Hospitality for everyone but please do not get on her bad side! She will Gut you like a Hog and Skin you like a Catfish!
Priscilla Serrano; A Bourgeois Native New Yorker that has a stuck-up attitude and thinks that she is better than everyone, especially Jessie May. Always having the best in life, she feels that Jessie May is so Tacky!
Mrs. Langley; The Boss that is always in dismay of how the ladies are always fighting against each other and she demands that they work together or else!!!
Blake Covington; The smoothe debonair co-worker that all of the ladies love.
Cloeesha; the front desk receptionist that is loud and ghetto but can run a front office like no other!
Sabrina; Priscilla's Roommate and the Foodie that eats anything, anywhere at any time!
Laura; Funny, Loving and Kind assistant to Priscilla & Jessie. Always seeing things on the bright side.
“WOMEN@WORK!” will run Sat., November 9 @ 5pm & 8pm
HJC Bowden Mulitipurpose Center
2885 Church Street, East Point, GA 30344
For Tickets, Group Tickets, Vending and Sponsorships Contact:
For more detailed information about “WOMEN@WORK!” Stage Play or if you would like to schedule an interview with Mimi Johnson and Cast, M. Johnson at WomenAtWorkTheMusical@gmail.com or call
404- 974-5744
Donations, Tickets, Sponsorship Packages, Vending, Gift Bag Business Item Promos, Playbill Ads, Step & Repeat Logo Placement Available @

Mimi Johnson
Priscilla Serrano

Vannessa Stover
Jessie May West
John Garner
Blake Covington
Papa Dook
Chanta Willis
Mrs. Langley